We invite you to join us for a free live instructive presentation with QandA
Released on = March 17, 2007, 4:39 pm
Press Release Author = Jean-Louis Pare
Industry = Healthcare
Press Release Summary = Why do we need to supplement our nutrition with supplements?
Press Release Body = How would you like to drop into our FREE conference room where we will present Eniva and Vibe Complete Health Drink? Every Tuesday at 10 PM EST. Go to http://tomsparrow.inetcommunicator.net/ and go to the training room, download the software to run it and to sign in, simply put your name and guest as the password. Download the software prior to coming in the room to save time. Want to preview what Eniva is all about? http://tinyurl.com/2p5w8w
All of this is FREE to come in and listen!
P.S.-Here is the NEW web site that is FREE to anyone who joins our group!
Dr Jean-Louis Pare MD Manager
Look below why \"Vibe\"? VIBE works by introducing sub-micron sized, ionically charged, cell-ready minerals and vitamins directly into your blood stream. VIBE begins with absolutely pure, ionic water. The purer the water the more efficiently minerals are activated into their electrically charged ionic state. Eniva uses OHM(TM) water (multi-step purified water) in a unique proprietary process at Eniva\'s manufacturing facility, yielding monatomic ions in sparkling clear solutions for quicker absorption than tablets or capsules which must first be dissolved and ionized in the digestive system before being absorbed. VIBE ingredients are carefully selected and measured. Interpreting the labels of products you put into your body should not be difficult or confusing. Eniva product labels are clear and define exactly what the product will provide your body. If an Eniva product states that you will get 100% of the nutrient listed, your body will get exactly that. Nearly all of the nutritional companies selling pills, tablets, and colloid-based solutions can not make that claim - they can only state that the amount of that nutrient exists in the product - not that your body will absorb that amount. Eniva chooses only the best, top-quality ingredients and the purest water base. The manufacturing process is precise. Ingredients and amounts do not vary from one batch to another. At Eniva, not only do we verify raw material sourcing and have a government inspected manufacturing facility, we provide a exact detailed listing of the consistent ingredients and their amounts in each VIBE bottle. VIBE incorporates the Eniva Solutomic Technology. We know that replenishing the body\'s mineral supply is essential for vibrant health. Before the depletion of soils, nature provided usable forms of minerals to the body by way of the plants we consumed. The plants put those minerals into an ionic and water-soluble (aqueous) form our bodies could effectively use for function and repair. \"Solutomic\" is the term Eniva uses to describe minerals encompassing those, essential water- soluble, ionic, and cell-ready characteristics...the life-giving supplement design pioneered by the Eniva Corporation. Water Soluble + Ionic + Cell-Ready
Web Site = http://www.duplicatesuccess.com/cosmicteam/
Contact Details = Jean-Louis Pare
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